Settling a dispute at the BaFin arbitration board

Service Description

Consumers can settle disputes with companies out of court. There are dispute resolution bodies for this purpose, where lawyers strive to resolve disputes independently and impartially. The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) operates such a dispute resolution body, which intervenes in disputes with banks and financial services companies. However, this body is an initial arbitration body. It will only act if no other recognized arbitration body is responsible for your case.

Before contacting BaFin's dispute resolution body, please check that none of the other recognized dispute resolution bodies are responsible for your case. These so-called consumer arbitration boards are recognized by the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ) and operate within a defined area of responsibility. You can find the consumer arbitration boards on the subject of finance with their specific areas of responsibility on the BfJ website. You will find the link to the site in the "Further information" section. If none of the consumer arbitration boards is responsible for your case, you can submit an application for dispute resolution to BaFin.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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