Submit costs for implants or orthodontic treatment for adults to the statutory health insurance fund in cases of special exceptions

Service Description

If you have statutory health insurance, many services provided by your dentist are free of charge for you and are billed via your electronic health card (eGK): This applies, for example, to the removal of caries and the filling of cavities.

Additional cost regulation for dental fillings

You are entitled to fillings made from the cheapest material. In addition to this standard treatment, you can also choose other materials. In these cases, you only have to pay the additional costs incurred privately.
If you opt for a more expensive material for which you bear part of the costs yourself, you conclude a so-called additional cost agreement with your dentist. Your dentist will bill your health insurance company for the services to which you are entitled according to the standard treatment. You will receive an invoice from your dentist for any additional services.

Subsidy for dentures

For the provision of dentures (e.g. crowns or bridges), you will receive precisely defined amounts as fixed subsidies from your health insurance company. The amount of the fixed subsidy is 60 percent of the average costs for standard care and can rise to 70 or 75 percent if you have had regular check-ups in the last 5 or 10 years before the start of treatment and the check-ups are documented in your bonus booklet.

You must bear any costs that exceed the statutory reimbursement amount yourself. Your health insurance company may cover a further amount of the costs if you only have a low income or receive certain social benefits (e.g. BAföG, social assistance or unemployment benefit II).

If you have private supplementary dental insurance, you may - depending on your policy - be able to submit additional cost invoices, co-payment invoices and private invoices. In any case, it is advisable to inform your private supplementary insurance company before starting treatment and clarify what needs to be taken into account for any reimbursement that may be considered or what documents are required for this.


You or your child are entitled to orthodontic treatment if there is a medically justified indication and you or your child have not yet reached the age of 18 at the start of treatment. Adults generally have to pay for orthodontic treatment themselves. Only in exceptional medical cases, for example in the case of severe jaw anomalies that also require surgical correction, can insured persons over the age of 18 also be entitled to benefits.

Dental implants

You must also bear the costs of a dental implant and the implant operation yourself. Only in serious and special exceptions does the health insurance company contribute to implants, for example as part of overall medical treatment following tumor surgery.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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