Submit an application for inward processing

Service Description

The inward processing procedure enables companies to import non-Union goods into the customs territory of the European Union (EU) in order to have them processed there. Initially, you do not have to pay any duties on import. Following inward processing

  • you can either export the goods again or
  • release the goods for free circulation in the EU. This gives non-Union goods the status of Union goods.

In order to have non-Union goods inwardly processed, you need an authorization from the responsible main customs office. This is granted upon application (formal or simplified).

Processing operations are understood to mean

  • Processing,
  • processing,
  • repair or
  • destruction

of goods. In addition

  • the use of goods which are not incorporated into the compensating products but which enable or facilitate the manufacture of the compensating products, even if they are completely or partially consumed in the process (production aids).

In addition to non-Union goods, in some cases - where permitted - you can also use substitute goods (these are Union goods equivalent to non-Union goods) in the procedure.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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