Track (re-)export declarations electronically

Service Description

If you wish to export goods from the customs territory of the Union to a third country, you must declare this in advance via the "Automated Tariff and Local Customs Clearance System" (ATLAS) under certain conditions. Your declaration will be accepted automatically and stored under a consignment-related reference number (Master Reference Number, MRN). You will be notified of the MRN when the (re-)export declaration is accepted. In addition, when the goods are released for the (re-)export procedure, you will receive an export accompanying document (ABD) on which, among other things, the MRN is noted.

You can use the Internet status information service to call up general information on (re-)export procedures online. To prove your authorization, you must identify yourself with

  • your EU-wide registration and identification number for economic operators (EORI number) or
  • your identification number from a third country (TCUI number)

identify yourself.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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