Track applications for temporary storage electronically

Service Description

For goods that you have brought into the customs territory of the Union, you must submit a declaration for temporary storage at the latest at the time of presentation. This is done via the ATLAS sub-procedure summary declaration (SumA) at the customs offices. SumA is used at all sea and airport customs offices as well as inland and border customs offices.

With the Internet Status Information (ISA), you can call up information about your SumA processes online and check the processing status of the individual items. You can also have the data output in structured form and process it further in your system.

To use the ISA, you submit an informal application to your responsible customs office and name a responsible person. To prove your authorization, you must identify yourself with your EU-wide registration and identification number for economic operators (EORI number). The responsible person is created by the customs office as an administrator for your EORI number and can therefore set up further accesses to your EORI number with their own password via the ISA participant administration.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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