Support for returning to work for people with statutory accident insurance

Service Description

If you are no longer able to carry out your previous activity due to health problems caused by an accident at work or an occupational disease, you will receive benefits for participation in working life. Benefits that can be provided by your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund include, for example

  • Help to resume or continue your previous activity
  • Support in transferring to another job within the previous company
  • Support in taking up employment in another company
  • retraining
  • Vocational adjustment, further training and qualification
  • Admission to a workshop for people with disabilities

After an accident at work or an occupational illness, the statutory accident insurance will use all appropriate means to enable a return to the previous workplace. If a return to the existing workplace is not possible, efforts will be made to at least maintain the employment relationship with the previous employer. If this is also not possible, efforts will be made to ensure rapid and sustainable integration into the general labor market.

Benefits for participation are also provided for children and young people in the event of an insurance claim. The aim here is, among other things, to enable those affected to receive a general school education and appropriate vocational or gainful employment.
You do not need to submit an application. Your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund will check possible claims ex officio.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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