Show fixed amateur radio station

Service Description

As an amateur radio operator, you must notify the Federal Network Agency of an amateur radio system of 10 watts or more (EIRP) before commissioning.

If you wish to operate a fixed amateur radio system with an EIRP of 10 watts or more, you must first

  • be licensed as an amateur radio operator in Germany and have a callsign valid in Germany.
  • confirm with the notification that the personal protection limits valid in Germany are complied with.

As an amateur radio operator, you are responsible for the accuracy of the report, regardless of the aids or procedures used. A critical evaluation of the results is therefore strongly recommended.

Acceptance of the report does not mean that the information will be checked for accuracy. A check will only be carried out on a random basis and in justified cases.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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