Submit proof of income to the Künstlersozialkasse for random checks

Service Description

Once a year, the Künstlersozialkasse audits the earned income of artists and publicists who are insured with it. The persons audited are selected at random and on an annual basis by means of a random sample.

If you are insured with the Künstlersozialkasse, your information on your self-employed artistic and journalistic activities can be checked. In this way, the Künstlersozialkasse checks whether you still meet the requirements for compulsory insurance or entitlement to a subsidy from the Künstlersozialversicherung.

If you have been selected, you must provide the following data, for example:

  • Your earned income (up to the last 6 years)
  • Areas in which you are self-employed as an artist or journalist.
  • Areas in which you are also active

In individual cases, you may also have to submit additional documents relating to

  • Companies from which you receive your earned income.
  • Businesses with companies that have to pay artists' social security contributions and from which your income comes.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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