Submit the requested activity and income certificates to the Artists' Social Security Fund for review at the end of the period of entry into the profession

Service Description

As a newcomer to the profession, you will be insured for the first three years of your self-employed artistic or journalistic activity even if your income does not exceed the limit of EUR 3,900 per year. The Künstlersozialkasse will check your income reports at the end of this initial period.

You are obliged to provide information and documents as part of this review.

The information and documents relate, among other things, to

  • the areas in which you are self-employed as an artist or journalist,
  • how much income you earn from this work,
  • the other areas in which you are active,
  • which types of income your earned income comes from.

The Artists' Social Insurance Fund uses this information to check whether you still meet the requirements for compulsory insurance or entitlement to a subsidy under the Artists' Social Insurance Act.

If you do not provide your information on time or provide incomplete information, you jeopardize your insurance status or entitlement to a subsidy.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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