Transmitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a medical, dental or psychotherapy practice

Service Description

The Federal Statistical Office (StBA) continuously collects and analyzes data on the German economy and other areas of society. The StBA prepares the data and makes it available. These statistics serve as a basis for policy-making, among other things.

For this reason, companies are obliged to provide information. Not all companies are surveyed. Depending on the sector, a different number of companies are selected at random. If your company receives a corresponding request from the StBA, you must provide the requested data.

This applies within the framework of the law on cost structure statistics:

  • General medical practices
  • Specialist practices
  • Dental practices
  • Practices of psychological psychotherapists

This data may include, among other things

  • the value
    • the tax and economic income
    • gross investments in tangible and intangible assets
  • the costs, broken down by cost type
  • the persons employed
  • the type and cooperation of the practices.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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