Transmit data for statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Service Description

The Federal Statistical Office (StBA) continuously collects and analyzes data on the German economy and other areas of society. The StBA prepares the data and makes it available. These statistics serve as a basis for policy-making, among other things. For this reason, companies are obliged to provide information. If your company receives a corresponding request from the StBA, you must provide the requested data.

For statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the StBA collects certain data from companies in these sectors. The results of the surveys are used to produce analyses and forecasts on developments in the agricultural sector. They thus form a basis for political decisions at state, federal and European Union (EU) level.

If you run a business in one of the following areas and have been selected, you must submit data to the StBA:

  • Hatchery with a capacity of at least 1,000 eggs excluding the hatching room
  • Poultry slaughterhouse with EU approval
  • Woodworking industry or sawmill
    • Businesses with at least 20 employees in which woodworking products are manufactured. For sawmills, the survey threshold is at least 10 employees.
  • Fertilizer companies,
    • which places fertilizers on the market for the first time

Different information is required depending on the economic sector. In addition, the StBA requests certain information at different intervals, such as monthly, quarterly, annually or at intervals of several years. Among other things, you may have to provide information about your business or company.

Characteristics on hatching eggs and chick production, i.e.

  • monthly: number of hatching eggs for the production of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowl
  • monthly: number of chicks hatched, in the case of chickens also according to direction of use and intended use
  • annually: capacity of the hatcheries excluding the hatching room

Poultry slaughterhouses:

Characteristics for poultry slaughter, i.e.

  • monthly: the number and slaughter weight of poultry slaughtered according to species, type of production and supply status

woodworking industry or sawmills:

Characteristics on raw wood and products of the woodworking industry, i.e.

  • annually: the inflows, outflows and stocks of raw wood and products of the woodworking industry by origin and type of wood.

Fertilizer companies:

Characteristics on domestic sales of fertilizers, i.e.

  • quarterly: domestic sales of mineral fertilizers by plant nutrients, types and sales areas, each by quantity.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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