Suitability testing of non-electronic devices that measure radon in the workplace

Service Description

If you provide devices for the measurements of radon activity concentration or exposure at workplaces prescribed by radiation protection law as a recognized body or officially designated measuring point and evaluate the measurements, you must regularly participate in proficiency tests of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) for non-electronic radon measuring devices.

Proficiency tests are offered as part of comparative tests of non-electronic radon measuring instruments and in combination with calibration exposures.

If your institution participates in a proficiency test, send a set of non-electronic radon measuring instruments to the BfS. If necessary, you will be asked to mark each measuring device with an individual identification code, which you will receive from the BfS.

The exposures are carried out in the BfS radon calibration laboratory. After the evaluation, you send the results to the BfS and receive an individual evaluation. The BfS is obliged to treat the data obtained or determined in the course of the proficiency tests confidentially. Results will only be passed on to third parties in anonymized form.

You can submit the application online via the federal portal or by e-mail. If you are not a recognized body or an officially designated measuring body and do not require a proficiency test to apply for recognition as a body, you can only apply for the proficiency test by e-mail.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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