Take advantage of careers advice from the Federal Employment Agency

Service Description

Careers advice before working life

If you are not yet in employment, the careers advice service will advise and support you with questions about choosing a career and course of study.

You have already left school or are about to do so and are therefore faced with the challenge of finding a career that matches your wishes, abilities and interests. You are faced with many questions. Careers advice will help you find answers and support you in the process:

  • Clarify questions about career or study content,
  • obtain information on the training or job market,
  • take a career or study choice test,
  • find a suitable profession or course of study,
  • find a training position,
  • clarify questions about the application,
  • find alternatives to the desired occupation if the training position does not work out immediately,
  • overcoming difficulties at school or financial hurdles during training

The personal advice service is supported by online services.

Even if you are considering changing your training or field of study or embarking on a new career path, a conversation with a careers advisor can provide you with helpful information on the existing options.

The careers advisor will discuss your career aspirations, interests and strengths on a one-to-one basis in order to find suitable careers or a suitable course of study for you. Careers guidance can be followed by the placement of a suitable apprenticeship.

Careers guidance in working life

If you are or were already in employment and would like to return to work, the careers advice service will advise and support you on issues such as career change or reorientation, career planning and further training opportunities and their financing.

The personal advisory service is supported by online services.

Careers advice in working life supports you in particular with

  • consolidating your employment or training relationship,
  • professional reorientation or reorientation,
  • Questions about returning to work,
  • questions about starting a career after training or studies and
  • questions about (financial support) opportunities for further vocational training.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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