Notify change regarding the operation of genetic engineering facilities

Service Description

Genetic engineering work is subject to high safety standards. The aim of these standards is to limit the contact of the organisms used with humans and the environment and thus ensure a high level of safety.

Genetic engineering work is divided into different safety levels. The safety levels are differentiated according to the degree of risk to human health and the environment:

  • Safety level 1: no risk
  • Safety level 2: low risk
  • Safety level 3: moderate risk
  • Safety level 4: high risk

You must inform the competent authority if you wish to carry out genetic engineering work of safety levels 2 or 3 in another facility of the same operator. The prerequisite is that both the genetic engineering work and the facility have already been notified, registered or approved for the first time.

You do not have to notify changes to genetic engineering work at safety level 1. Changes to safety level 4 work must always be notified or approved again.

You must notify the competent authority of the change before you start the activity.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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