Cross-border payments for online sales of goods and services

Service Description

Trade in goods and services

Sale of goods in the EU

There is free movement of goods in the EU internal market, provided that the specified standards are met. Find out which EU product requirements you need to observe and when you need to declare your goods flows.

Providing services abroad

Depending on the duration and range of your services, you can operate in another EU country without setting up a company or branch there. Find out under which circumstances this is possible in which economic sector and for which type of sales.

E-commerce, distance selling and off-premises sales

Certain rules apply to distance selling, i.e. the sale of goods without personal contact with the customer. For example, you must provide clear information in writing. Your customer can cancel the contract within 14 days without penalty and without giving a reason.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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