Service Finder
Social security
Service Description
State social security
The social security system in Germany covers you against the major risks. If you work in Germany and are subject to social security contributions, you are generally a member of the following statutory insurance schemes:
- The statutory health insurance covers the costs of visits to the doctor as well as many medications and therapeutic measures.
- The statutory long-term care insurance provides basic cover in the event that you are permanently dependent on care due to illness.
- The statutory accident insurance covers the costs of medical treatment and reintegration into working life following an accident at work or occupational illness. It pays compensation for wages during incapacity for work and pensions for permanent health damage, including survivors' benefits.
- The statutory pension insurance provides rehabilitation benefits and pays pensions in the event of old age, reduced earning capacity or death.
- The statutory unemployment insurance pays an income during the job search under certain conditions and supports the job search with advice and placement services.
Membership of the statutory social insurance schemes costs a fixed percentage of your income. You pay part of the costs, your employer pays the other part. The costs are deducted directly from your wages.
If you are employed in Germany, you are generally required to be insured under the German social security system.
Please note There are exceptions to this principle for certain types of work. For example, for certain posted workers , cross-border commuters and frontier workers , seasonal workers , marginally paid employees and people who work in several EU countries.
Your employer must register you for social security . This means that the employer must provide the relevant health insurance fund with the following information:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your insurance number
- Your nationality
- Your salary and job details
This notification ensures that the employer pays the social security contributions. You must provide the employer with all the necessary details and information so that the employer can fulfill its obligations. You are therefore subject to a obligation to cooperate .
Attention The employer must provide you with a copy of the reported data. In case of violation of the reporting obligations both the employer and you can be sanctioned.
In some sectors, the employer must submit a notification even before taking up employment:
- in the construction industry,
- in a restaurant or hotel,
- in a forwarding agency,
- in the transportation and associated logistics industry,
- in the building cleaning industry
- in the meat industry
- in the prostitution industry and
- in the guard and security industry.
This means that you must also provide the required information as part of your obligation to cooperate before taking up employment and must always have your ID with you in case you are checked.
More information on the registration and contribution procedure can be found in several languages at German Pension Insurance . The health insurance funds also provide information on their websites.
Tip : When you register for social insurance, you will receive a social security number which you will keep for the rest of your life. With the help of the social security number, the data required for determining your pension is brought together and kept ready. You should therefore keep this number in a safe place.
As an employee, you are always compulsorily insured in the statutory pension insurance scheme compulsorily insured .
Tip If you have a marginally paid employment (mini-job), you can apply for upon application be exempted from the pension insurance obligation.
The pension insurance includes various benefits:
- The pension serves to financial security in old age . To qualify for an old-age pension, you must have reached a certain age and have completed a certain minimum period of pensionable service.
- Pension insurance also supports you if you become disabled during your working life. reduced earning capacity i.e. if you can no longer work or can only work part-time due to an illness or disability. If you meet the personal and insurance requirements, you will then receive rehabilitation benefits to restore your earning capacity or to receive a pension due to reduced earning capacity if your state of health means that you will no longer be able to work or will only be able to work to a limited extent for the foreseeable future.
- Pension insurance also offers comprehensive protection for surviving dependants . It pays pensions to widows, widowers and orphans of deceased insured persons.
Up to the year of birth 1946, the age limit for drawing the standard old-age pension is 65th year of life is decisive. For subsequent birth cohorts, the standard retirement age is gradually increased to 67 years of age will be raised. From 2029, this age limit will then apply to all those born from 1964 onwards. However, the statutory pension insurance scheme has further old-age pensions which allow earlier retirement under special personal conditions, for example in the case of severe disability and/or many years of contributions to statutory pension insurance.
One principle of pension insurance is: the more and the longer you pay contributions and the higher they are, the higher your later pension will be. In addition to the contribution periods from earned income, periods during which children were raised or relatives were cared for can also be taken into account. In addition, "non-contributory periods" are taken into account for various circumstances such as school attendance.
Insurance periods in other countries
If you have been employed in other EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, the insurance periods you have completed in these member states will be taken into account to fulfill waiting periods.
Please note Please note that the statutory pension is lower than your income during your employment. In order to maintain your standard of living in old age, you should supplement your statutory pension insurance with occupational and/or private pension provision.
If you have worked in one or more EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, the following applies: Each country in which you have completed more than one year of insurance pays a separate pension. separate pension as soon as you reach the retirement age of the country in question. The amount of the pension depends on the insurance periods completed there . All insurance periods completed in the respective countries are taken into account in order to fulfill the requirements for a pension entitlement. You will receive a summary notification of the decision of the individual countries, the so-called P1 document. This notification is issued by the pension provider to which you have submitted your pension application.
Pension application
The pension application in the country in which you live, unless you have never worked there. In this case, you apply in the country where you were last insured. If you submit a pension application in one country, it applies to all countries in which you have completed insurance periods.
You will receive your pension regardless of where you are within the countries mentioned.
Further Information
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Rights and obligations in the area of social security in the Union, including in connection with pensions
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal
Technically approved by
- Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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