Apply for a permit change for the withdrawal and discharge of water from surface waters

Service Description

If you wish to withdraw or discharge water from surface waters, you require a permit under water law. Water is withdrawn using pumping or pumping equipment. Surface waters are rivers, lakes, canals, streams, ditches and ponds.

If you wish to change a project for which you already have a permit under water law, you must apply to the competent authority for a permit amendment.

A permit amendment is required for the following changes to the project:

  • Type of extraction
  • Quantity and duration of the extraction
  • Purpose of the extraction

To enable the authority to assess your project and its effects, you must submit several documents with your application. These include, for example, an explanatory report, site plans and sketches of the pump system and transport systems.

Depending on the type of project, the documents can be very different and extensive. If in doubt, you should clarify in advance with the authority which documents are required in your case. The permit specifies the type and extent of use. It may be linked to conditions and ancillary provisions. In contrast to an authorization, a permit can be revoked by the authorities.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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