Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a health profession.

Service Description

The electronic health professional card (eHBA) is a chip card for personal authentication of persons in health professions. The eHBA gives you access to the telematics infrastructure (TI). The TI networks all participants in the health care system and thus enables, for example, access to the electronic patient record (ePA) in the future.
There are different eHBAs for different professional groups. There is an eHBA for:

  • Physicians
  • Persons in health care professions
  • Pharmacists

Use this online service to apply for an eHBA as a non-appointed person in a health profession. These include:

  • Health care professionals.
  • Nurses
  • geriatric nurses
  • Midwives
  • Physiotherapists
  • Emergency paramedics

To obtain the eHBA, you must first enroll in the electronic health professional registry (eGBR). You then apply for the eHBA from a trusted service provider (VDA). VDAs charge an annual fee, which may vary from VDA to VDA.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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