Appointing or dismissing ("discharging") money laundering officers or money laundering officers

Service Description

Financial companies and organizers and brokers of games of chance (obligated parties according to § 2 para. 1 no. 6 and 15 GwG) must have a money launderingämoney laundering officer or a money laundering officer at management level as well as a deputy. The appointment and dismissal of the money launderingäof the Money Laundering Officer or the Money Laundering and his deputy must be reported to the supervisory authority in advance.

The obligation applies specifically to

  • Financial undertakings within the meaning of § 1 para. 24 GwG,
  • bookmakers within the meaning of § 2 para. 1 of the Racing Lottery Act (RennwLottG),
  • casinos,
  • betting agencies,
  • betting agencies within the meaning of § 3 paragraph 5 State Treaty on Gambling, insofar as they offer the sports bet Oddset sports betting,
  • Organizers of online games of chance games of chance (virtual slot machines and online poker) within the meaning of §§ 22a and 22b State Treaty on Gambling 2021
  • For Insurance brokers, notaries, legal service providers and legal service providers,

    service providers, real estate agents and real estate brokers and traders in goods (obligated parties pursuant to § 2 paragraph 1 numbers 8, 10, 11, 13 and 16 AMLA), the competent supervisory authority the appointment of a money launderingämoney laundering officer or an money laundering officer order the appointment of a money laundering officer. For traders in goods, who deal in high-value goods goods, the order is issued in some federal states by general decree. The money laundering officer or the money laundering officer is for compliance with the money laundering regulations responsible. He or she is responsible to the management directly subordinate to the Executive Board. The responsibility of the management level continues to exist.

The most important tasks of a money laundering officer include among others, that:

  • They are the contact person for the law enforcement authorities, the central office for Financial Transaction Investigation Unit (FIU) and for the supervisory authority which verify compliance with due diligence obligations. check compliance with due diligence obligations.
  • They are responsible for implementation and updating of the risk analysis, the design of internal security measures and the monitoring compliance with due diligence obligations within the company.
  • They submit suspicious activity reports to the for Financial Transaction Investigations (FIU) or respond to requests for information from these bodies.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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