Get information about the semester fee

Service Description

As a student, you must pay a semester fee to re-register for the following semester. The contribution consists of:

  • the contribution for the Studierendenwerk
  • if applicable, the semester ticket for public transportation and in some cases a culture ticket
  • the contribution for the student council
  • the one-time initial provision with the Thuringian university and student union card (Thoska)

The share for the student union is primarily intended to promote the social and economic interests of students, for example, through the availability of student dormitories, daycare centers and dining halls, as well as the provision of an advisory infrastructure. The share for student representation aims to subsidize the costs of representing the interests of students internally and externally.

As a rule, you will be informed or reminded by e-mail or other communication channels about the semester fee, the payment deadline and the specific transfer purposes.V

If you are on leave of absence, you can be exempted from paying the semester fee, provided that the leave of absence takes place before the semester begins. An exemption after the beginning of the semester, however, is not possible, even if a leave of absence can still be granted during the semester for certain reasons.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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