Service Finder
Have previous periods of study and academic achievements recognized
Service Description
You can have periods of study and academic achievements from previous degree programs recognized in your current degree program. This applies to periods of study and academic achievements at your previous university, a university in Germany or abroad. This can involve a change of subject within your university, a change of university within your degree program, a change of university outside of your degree program, or a stay at a university abroad.
You can also receive credit for knowledge acquired outside of your university, for example, during vocational training. Find out about details at your university.
Process flow
The exact procedure depends on the respective study program of the university. In principle, the recognition or crediting takes place in the following steps:
Make the application and submit the required evidence.
Your application will be reviewed by the responsible office. During the recognition process, the equivalence of your previous periods of study and academic achievements will be checked. In this context, the content, learning outcomes, competencies, level, e.g. Bachelor's or Master's, temporal scope and workload, expressed in ECTS credits, are compared. The profile of the former university and the recognition of the educational institution also play a role in the examination. If equivalence is established, recognition is granted.
Credits for knowledge acquired outside the university can be awarded for up to 50 percent of the credits to be acquired.
If there are any uncertainties during the examination of your application, the office responsible at the respective university may contact you with further questions.
After the examination, the university will inform you of the decision regarding recognition or crediting.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the respective university.
- You must be able to provide evidence of your previous periods of study and achievements,
- You can provide evidence of knowledge acquired outside the university in the form of certificates or similar.
Which documents are required?
- Completed application for recognition or crediting of study and examination achievements
- Evidence of the work performed, e.g. a transcript of records or transcript of grades
- Description of previous studies, e.g. a module description/module catalog
- Documents for crediting achievements acquired outside of the university
Inquire at the university about the recognition procedure and the required documents at an early stage.
What are the fees?
There are no costs involved.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application for recognition/credit of study and examination achievements should be submitted to the responsible offices in good time, so that after the appropriate processing time, the specified deadlines for enrollment can be met.
Processing duration
The processing time depends on the respective course of study.
Legal basis
- Law on the Convention of 11 April 1997 on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
Remark: Federal Law Gazette Volume 2007 Part II No. 15, issued at Bonn on May 22, 2007
- § 54 Thuringian Higher Education Act Study and examination regulations of the respective university
Applications / forms
As a rule, a decision is issued on the recognition of the study and examination performance and the corresponding semester classification.
You can appeal against the decision of the university.
If the decision is not changed in your favor, you can file a complaint with the competent administrative court.
Forms/online services available: Yes
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance required: No
What else should I know?
You should inform yourself in advance about the specific requirements for the recognition and crediting of previous study achievements and competencies at the responsible office at the respective university.
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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