Service Finder
Apply for birth certificate in case of birth abroad or in a former German territory
Service Description
With a birth certificate you can prove the birth of a person, his or her first and last names, and the details of the parents. You can have a birth certificate issued on the basis of an existing birth register. If the place of birth is outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the birth may be registered at Standesamt I in Berlin.
Process flow
- In principle, a certificate can also be applied for in analog form, but for reasons of speeding up the processing process, it is strongly recommended to use the online application.
- In addition to yourself, a person you trust may also order the certificate for you. A written power of attorney is required for this purpose.
- You will receive a fee notice when the certificate is sent to you.
Competent authority
Registry Office I in Berlin
Civil status certificates contain personal data, therefore their issuance is subject to data protection restrictions.
- Persons entitled to apply (minimum age: 16 years):
- the person to whom the birth certificate refers
- the spouse or civil partner (as defined by the Registered Civil Partnership Act)
- ancestors and descendants of the person concerned
- Siblings with legitimate interest
- Other persons, i.e. also closer relatives such as aunts and uncles, will only receive a certificate if they can credibly demonstrate a legal interest (for example, by means of a letter from the probate court).
Which documents are required?
To apply for a birth certificate you will need:
- If applying through a representative person:
- written power of attorney from the authorized person,
- their identity card or passport (original or certified copy)
- and the identity card or passport of the representing person
- certain persons must additionally provide credible evidence of a legal or legitimate interest.
What are the fees?
Fee: 6,00 - 12,00 EURPayment in advance: noFees for the issuance of a birth certificate are charged according to Berlin state law. Currently, one certificate costs EUR 12.00, each additional certificate ordered at the same time and of the same type costs EUR 6.00.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Legal basis
Applications / forms
If the issuance of the certificate is refused, (only) an application for instruction can be filed with the Schöneberg Local Court in Berlin. The appeal procedure is only possible with regard to the fee assessment.
- Forms: no
- Online service available: Yes
- Written form required: no
- Personal appearance required: no
What else should I know?
Senate Department for the Interior, Digitalization and Sport Berlin, Department 1 - Constitutional and Administrative Law
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Berlin Senate Department for the Interior, Digitalization and Sport, Department 1 - Constitutional and Administrative Law
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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