Driving license - Extend existing driving license by class C, C1, CE or C1E

Service Description

To drive trucks or vehicle combinations consisting of a truck and a trailer, you need an extended driver's license for class C, CE, C1 or C1E. You can apply for the extension of your driver's license at the driver's license office in your place of residence. When you apply for an extended driver's license for classes C, CE, C1, or C1E, the license is issued for a limited period of 5 years. You must apply for an extension before the expiry date.

Depending on the class, the extended driver's license entitles you to drive various trucks or vehicle combinations consisting of a truck and a trailer. To apply for the extension, you must meet various requirements.

Class C driver's license:

Motor vehicles with more than 3,500 kg gross vehicle weight and a maximum of 8 seats except the driver's seat.

trailers with up to 750 kg maximum permissible mass

required driver's license: class B

Minimum age: 21 years or 18 years if you drive trucks for professional purposes

Driving license class CE:

Motor vehicles with more than 3.5t total weight and a maximum of 8 seats except the driver's seat

trailers with up to 750 kg maximum permissible weight

required driving license: class C

Minimum age: 21 years or 18 years if you drive trucks for professional purposes

Driving license class C1:

Motor vehicles with a total permissible mass of between 3,500 kg and 7,500 kg and a maximum of 8 seats in addition to the driver's seat

trailers with a maximum permissible total mass of 750 kg

required driving license: class B

minimum age: 18 years

Driving license class C1E:

Motor vehicles with a maximum permissible mass between 3,.500 kg and 7,500 kg and a maximum of 8 seats except the driver's seat.

trailers or semi-trailers with a maximum permissible mass of 750 kg, provided that the total permissible mass of the vehicle combination does not exceed 12,000 kg.

for towing vehicle of class B: trailer or semi-trailer with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3,500 kg, provided that the maximum authorized mass of the vehicle combination does not exceed 12,000 kg.

required driving license: class C1

Minimum age: 18 years

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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