Apply as a foster parent, aptitude test

Service Description

In order to be allowed to take in a foster child, in certain cases foster carers need a permit according to §44 SGB VIII. An application and qualification process is a prerequisite for obtaining the permit. For the placement as a foster carer within the framework of help for upbringing granted by the youth welfare office, a permit according to § 44 SGB VIII is not required. However, the Youth Welfare Office or the foster child service checks the suitability of the foster carers according to the same criteria.

The task of integrating a child who is initially a stranger into one's own family, of making him or her feel at home in one's own family in the long term or permanently, and of supporting and raising him or her, is a demanding one.
The high demands placed on foster parents cannot and should not be met by them alone. Rather, the foster family is part of a supportive network that has pedagogical knowledge, methodological competence and many years of experience.
Foster carers have completed the qualifying courses of the foster child service before starting their work.
The decisive factor for accepting a child in general full-time care is a match between the needs of the child and the existing competencies and resources of the caregivers. A professional qualification in a nursing or pedagogical profession is not expected of caregivers in this form of assistance.

On the other hand, a professional or semi-professional background is expected for the admission of a child with special educational needs. Semi-professional in this context is, for example, the previous care of a foster child over a period of
of a foster child over a period of at least two years or many years of caring for and accompanying children and adolescents in a voluntary capacity.

Foster parents can be couples with or without their own children as well as individuals with a stable social network.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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