Increase minimum wage

Service Description

The level of the minimum wage is adjusted at regular intervals. A permanent minimum wage commission decides on the adjustment every two years.
The decision of the Minimum Wage Commission can be made binding for all employers and employees by statutory order of the Federal Government.

When setting the minimum wage, the commission is guided by wage developments in Germany. The law stipulates that the minimum wage can be adjusted every two years from 2017.

  • Since 01.01.2017: EUR 8.84.
  • From 01.01.2019: EUR 9.19.
  • From 01.01.2020: EUR 9.35.

The Minimum Wage Commission takes various aspects into account when making its adjustment decision. It examines in an overall assessment whether

  • the new minimum wage is suitable to ensure minimum protection for workers,
  • enable fair and functioning competitive conditions and
  • not jeopardize employment.

In addition, it is based on the development of collective bargaining agreements when setting the minimum wage. As soon as the Second Minimum Wage Adjustment Ordinance has entered into force, every employee is entitled to have his or her wage paid in the amount of the gross pay specified in the ordinance. This applies to every hour actually worked.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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