Service Finder
Request personal data correction in the civil register
Service Description
The registration office is obliged to correct or complete incorrect or incomplete personal data.
If you discover that the registration authority is processing incorrect or incomplete personal data about you, you can informally request that this data be corrected or completed.
The authority will then check whether the data is indeed incorrect or incomplete. If this is the case, the data will be corrected or completed.
Process flow
As soon as you have requested a correction of incorrect personal data by submitting the relevant documents and the authority establishes that the data is indeed incorrect, the correction will be made insofar as the authority is aware of the correct data.
You will be informed of the result of the examination of your request for correction.
The registration authority will also inform those public bodies to which the incorrect or incomplete data has been transmitted as part of regular data transmissions in accordance with the Federal Registration Act.
Who should I contact?
The competent registration authorities.
Informal application to the registration office. It must be substantiated which data is incorrect or incomplete and how a correction or addition is to be made. Corresponding documents to prove the request for correction should be submitted
Which documents are required?
In order to prove that the personal data processed are inaccurate or incomplete, documents showing the correct data may have to be provided.
What are the fees?
free of charge
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
In simple cases, the correction is made immediately; however, if necessary, the verification of whether the personal data is actually incorrect and the identification of the correct data takes time.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Affairs
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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