Apply for a residence permit to work as a civil servant

Service Description

If you are employed as a civil servant by a German employer, you are entitled to a residence permit to fulfill your official duties in Germany.

In particular, university teachers and other members of the academic and artistic staff who have been appointed as civil servants may be granted a residence permit.

The residence permit is issued for a period of three years, unless a shorter period is planned for your stay in Germany.

The involvement of the Federal Employment Agency is not required for the issuance of the residence permit.

Under certain circumstances, you may be required by the Aliens' Registration Office to attend an integration course. This will then be noted on your residence permit.

With the receipt of a residence permit for the performance of official duties with a German employer, you have the possibility of receiving an unlimited right of residence (settlement permit) after only three years. The requirement to have paid contributions to the statutory pension insurance for at least 60 months is waived.

German employers who wish to bring a foreign civil servant from abroad to Germany to fulfill official duties can apply to the Foreigners' Registration Office for the accelerated specialist procedure, with which entry can be facilitated and expedited, on behalf of the foreigner.

Union citizens who are in a civil servant relationship with a German employer are not subject to the Residence Act, but to the Freedom of Movement Act/EU.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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