Portable shooting range Apply for permission to operate

Service Description

If you wish to operate a mobile facility that is used for shooting sports or other shooting exercises with firearms, the testing of firearms or shooting with firearms for amusement (shooting range), or if you wish to significantly change its nature or the way it is used, you require a permit from the competent firearms authority.

No permit is required for shooting ranges where shooting is carried out in closed rooms exclusively for the purpose of testing firearms or ammunition by firearms or ammunition manufacturers, by firearms or ammunition experts or by scientific institutions.

In the case of mobile shooting ranges, a one-time permit prior to initial installation is sufficient.

Before being put into operation for the first time, the shooting range must be inspected by the competent authority with regard to the safety requirements. For this purpose, an expert opinion from a recognized shooting range expert can also be obtained at the expense of the operating person.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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