Apply for a residence permit for a study-related internship EU

Service Description

You can obtain a residence permit for a study-related internship EU if you have obtained a university degree in the last two years prior to the application or are still pursuing studies in a third country that lead to a university degree. For this purpose, a university is considered to be any educational institution that offers a degree comparable to a university degree that could be obtained in Germany. In this regard, the assessment recommendations of the Central Office for Foreign Education should be referred to, see "Further Information".
If you have not yet reached the age of 18, the person with parental authority must agree to your planned stay for the purpose of the study-related internship.
The residence permit for a study-related internship is a temporary residence title. It is issued for the agreed duration of the internship, but for a maximum of six months.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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