Apply for a residence permit for a crime victim

Service Description

You are a victim of one of the criminal offenses of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation (Section 232 of the Criminal Code (StGB)), trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation (§ 233 StGB) or the promotion of human trafficking (§ 233a StGB).

The public prosecutor's office or the criminal court considers your temporary presence to be appropriate for the conduct of the criminal proceedings. This is the case if your presence can help to clarify the facts of the crime.

You may no longer maintain contact with the persons accused in the criminal proceedings of having committed the trafficking offense.

You must declare your willingness to testify as a witness in the criminal proceedings for human trafficking. Invoking a right to testify or to refuse to provide information is not sufficient.

You will not be granted a residence permit if it is foreseeable that your stay will be permanent.

Your stay must not impair or endanger the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany for any other reason.

In principle, you have a right to be granted a residence permit.

You are still entitled to benefits according to the Second Social Security Code (SGB II) (basic benefits for job-seekers) or basic benefits for old age or reduced earning capacity, child benefits.

Family reunification for your spouse and minor child (so-called nuclear family) is only possible for reasons of international law or humanitarian reasons or to protect the political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany. The family members must themselves meet the requirements for admission from abroad for reasons of international law or humanitarian reasons.

The pursuit of gainful employment is not permitted. It can only be permitted by the foreigners authority.

They can only be admitted to an integration course within the framework of available course places.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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