Apply for a residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners

Service Description

The residence permit can be issued if you and your spouse or partner have reached the age of 18, although the minimum age can be waived in certain cases.

As a rule, you must prove that you have basic language skills. With simple language skills, you should be able to communicate in German in a simple way in everyday life, for example asking for directions, shopping and introducing yourself. There are several exceptions to the requirement of proving language skills. For example, if the foreign person is in possession of a Blue Card EU ICT card or Mobile ICT card, then you do not have to prove language skills. You can get the information about the other exceptions of language knowledge from your competent authority.

The residence permit for family reunification is a temporary residence title. It is issued for the period of validity of the family member's residence title in Germany - for at least one year. If the residence title of the foreign person living in Germany is valid for less than one year, the residence permit is also issued for the shorter duration.

The issued residence permit for family reunification entitles the holder to pursue gainful employment.

Under certain circumstances, the Aliens' Registration Office may require you to attend an integration course. This will then be noted on your residence permit.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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