Residence permit for family reasons Issuance for parents to join a minor foreigner

Service Description

You can obtain a residence permit as the parent of a minor foreigner if you come from a state outside the EU or the EEA and your child has the nationality of a state outside the EU and the EEA.

In addition, you should want to establish or continue a familial cohabitation with the child in Germany (a familial cohabitation usually exists if you live with the child in a shared apartment).

Furthermore, the child living in Germany should have

  • a residence permit as a resettlement refugee, recognized person entitled to asylum or refugee or
  • a settlement permit on humanitarian, political or international law grounds

and your presence in Germany is required because no other parent with parental authority is staying in Germany.

The residence permit for parents to join a minor child is a temporary residence title. It is issued for the period of validity of the residence title of the minor child in Germany. If the residence title of your minor child living in Germany is valid for less than one year, your residence permit will also be issued for this shorter period.

Under certain circumstances, the Aliens' Registration Office may require you to attend an integration course. This will then be noted on your residence permit.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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