Apply for permission to set up bee colonies in protection districts of bee colonization centers in Thuringia

Service Description

In Thuringia, there are currently seven state-recognized voucher sites: Birkenmoor, Gehlberg, Kirchtal, Wüstenwetzdorf, Oberhof, Kieferle and Weißberg/Rennsteig.

If you want to set up bee colonies within their radius (7 kilometers), a permit is required. The protection area is intended to prevent undesirable crossings or the introduction of diseases. Within these protection areas it is forbidden to permanently keep colonies of bees that do not correspond to the defined breeding origin of the beekeeping center. Permission to keep colonies in protection districts of bee colonization sites must be applied for at the TLLLR.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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