Service Finder
Forest - clear cutting permit application
Service Description
Your application as a forest owner for approval of clearcutting will be reviewed by the lower forestry authority.
The lower forestry authority decides on your application.
The approval may be subject to conditions.
The forest functions must be maintained.
If there are grounds for refusal, the permit must be refused.
Process flow
1. application with documents justifying the application and proof of ownership
2. examination of the documents by the licensing authority (lower forest authority)
3. approval/refusal of clearcutting
4. sending of the approval/refusal notice to the applicant
Who should I contact?
ThüringenForst-Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts as the lower forestry authority.
Submission of application for clearcutting permit with proof of ownership,
there must be no grounds for refusal,
Which documents are required?
Application for approval of clear cutting
Proof of ownership (excerpt from the land register)
What are the fees?
Administrative costs
per hectare, at least 350 Euro administrative costs (according to No. of the Administrative Costs List (Annex to § 1 Para. 1) of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Code
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
4 weeks
Legal basis
Applications / forms
The appeal authority is the lower forestry authority.
Informal application for approval of clear cutting
Land register excerpt
Technically approved by
Thuringia Forestry Institution under Public Law
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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