Joint Task "Improvement of the Regional Economic Structure" - Promotion

Service Description

The subject of the subsidy are:

  • Establishment of a new operating facility
  • Expansion of the capacities of an existing establishment*
  • diversification of the production of an existing plant to include products not previously manufactured there*
  • fundamental change in the entire production process of an existing establishment*
  • diversification of the activity of an establishment, provided that the new activity is not the same or similar to the activity previously carried out at the establishment
  • Acquisition of the assets of an establishment that has been closed or would have been closed but for such acquisition
  • investments enabling the enterprise to go beyond national and Union standards for environmental protection or, in the absence of such standards, to improve environmental protection (environmental aid; only for large enterprises)
  • Construction investments for the establishment and development of research infrastructures on the basis of Article 26 of the GBER, or construction investments and investments in initial equipment as an enterprise, if the schemes for the support of research infrastructures on the basis of Article 26 of the GBER do not qualify.

* Investment projects of companies that are not small and medium-sized enterprises can be supported with a maximum of 200,000 euros total amount within three fiscal years as de minimis aid or on the basis of the amended federal regulation Small Grants 2020 with a maximum of 800,000 euros total amount.

Addressees of the subsidy:

Business establishments in the manufacturing sector as well as certain service providers* whose turnover is predominantly (more than 50 percent) generated from the activity according to the positive list (see Annex I of the GRW Guidelines) or whose supraregional sales are proven in the individual case are eligible for funding.

Business premises for the production of foodstuffs and luxury foodstuffs can only be supported if the goods produced in the business premises are actually sold predominantly supra-regionally.

The establishment and development of cooperation networks and innovation clusters can be supported if the Free State of Thuringia has a significant economic policy interest in their realization. In order to be classified as an innovation cluster, special criteria must be met by the recipient of the funding.

Non-profit, business-related, non-university research institutions in Thuringia are also eligible for funding.

Investment projects in establishments of the tourism industry can be funded if the Free State of Thuringia has a significant tourism policy interest in their realization.

Scope of subsidy:

The maximum subsidy values are 30% for small enterprises, 20% for medium-sized enterprises and 10% for large enterprises.

For investment projects of large enterprises in environmental protection, the maximum subsidy rate is 45 percent of the eligible costs (additional costs or costs for improving environmental protection). The total subsidy amount for the investment project may not exceed the notional subsidy amount that would result from the above-mentioned maximum subsidy value for large enterprises for the entire investment project.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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