Service Finder
Regulatory Chamber of the Free State of Thuringia
Service Description
The state regulatory authority is responsible for energy supply companies with less than 100,000 customers directly or indirectly connected to their electricity or gas distribution networks. For 100,000 customers or more, or for companies whose supply area extends across several federal states, contact the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA).
The Federal Network Agency and state regulatory authorities only review and approve network charges. A review of retail prices for electricity and gas is not the responsibility of the regulatory authorities, but of the respective antitrust authorities or civil courts. The Federal Cartel Office is responsible for reviewing electricity and gas prices in supraregional markets, which is predominantly the case in the electricity and gas sectors.
Who should I contact?
Regulatory Chamber of the Free State of Thuringia
Beethovenstrasse 3
99096 Erfurt
Tel: 0361 573911-393
Fax: 0361 573911-044
What are the fees?
The fees are currently based on the Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Technology (ThürVwKostOMWAT).
Processing duration
Monitoring of the regulations on network access (§§ 20 ff. EnWG), in particular approval of network usage fees for electricity and gas networks pursuant to § 23 a EnWG.
Legal basis
Execution of the tasks of the state regulatory authority pursuant to Section 54 (2) of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG), in particular the
- Monitoring the provisions on legal and organizational unbundling (Sections 6 et seq. EnWG)
- Monitoring the regulations on network access (Sections 20 ff. EnWG), in particular approving network usage charges for electricity and gas networks pursuant to Section 23 a EnWG
- Approval or determination in the context of determining charges for network access by way of incentive regulation pursuant to Section 21 a EnWG
- Supervision of regulations on grid connection (§§ 17 ff. EnWG)
- Abuse supervision pursuant to Sections 30, 31 EnWG and levying of benefits pursuant to Section 33 EnWG
- Decision on the existence of the prerequisites according to § 110 EnWG (so-called closed distribution networks)
For the time being, the forms provided by the BNetzA shall be used for notifications and reports, unless the state regulatory authority announces otherwise.
What else should I know?
The establishment of the chamber is based on the "Law on the Regulatory Chamber of the Free State of Thuringia" of 10.04.2018 (GVBl. p. 72-73), which came into force on 01.01.2019. The previous "Administrative Agreement on the Performance of Certain Tasks under the Energy Industry Act", under which the tasks of state regulation had previously been transferred to the Federal Network Agency by way of organ lending (ThürStAnz No. 52/2005 pp. 2512-2513), was terminated with effect from 31 December 2018.
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Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (TMUEN)
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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