Recognize foreign qualification in the field of clinical neuropsychology as a child and adolescent psychotherapist or psychological psychotherapist

Service Description

The use of the additional title "Clinical Neuropsychology" is regulated in Germany. This means that if you have a foreign qualification in this field and want to work in Thuringia with this additional designation, you need the recognition of your qualification by the responsible East German Chamber of Psychotherapists (OPK).

The recognition of your additional qualification in the field of "Clinical Neuropsychology" is only possible if you already have a license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist or as a child and adolescent psychotherapist valid in Germany. This means that you must first have your qualification as a psychological psychotherapist or as a child and adolescent psychotherapist recognized and obtain your license to practice.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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