Dentist - Temporary exercise of the profession within the framework of the provision of services under European law - report

Service Description

If you are a national of a member state of the European Union (EU) or of another contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or of a contracting state to which Germany and the European Community (EC) or Germany and the EU have contractually granted a corresponding legal right entitling you to practice the profession of dentistry in one of the other member states of the EU, the EEA or a contracting state, you may temporarily and occasionally practice your profession of dentistry in Thuringia within the scope of the provision of services. You do not need an Approbation/Professional Licence for this. However, you are obligated to notify the responsible Thuringian State Dental Association in writing in advance of the intended practice of your profession. The notification must be renewed once a year if you intend to provide services temporarily or occasionally during the year in question. The notification has to be made before starting the activity, in urgent cases the notification can be made up immediately.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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