Vector data

Service Description

Do you need vector data for planning or research projects? Do you want to use official basic data in a geographic information system (GIS), for example to record further objects on this basis? Then use the products from the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG).

What is vector data?

The landscape is described by object-structured vector data and permanently stored in a database, the so-called Digital Landscape Model (DLM). The objects, e.g. linear landscape structures such as traffic routes or extensive landscape parts such as settlement areas, vegetation and water areas, are defined according to their shape and location by coordinates in the spatial reference system of the country and their properties are described by attributes (e.g. road classification, type of vegetation). Different DLMs are created for different scales and with different information densities. The DLMs are thus digital object-structured topographic vector datasets and can be used in many GIS applications. The TLBG creates the basic DLM and the DLM50.

Alongside the other digital products of the national survey (DTK, DGM, DOP), the DLMs are part of the Official Topographic-Cartographic Information System (ATKIS®).

As part of the state program "Open Geodata", the data of the basic DLM in the standard format NAS can be obtained free of charge by anyone in just a few steps from the Geoportal-Th (see link below).

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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