Flood 2013 Information on emergency aid

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In view of the high level of damage caused by the floods, the German government is providing 100 million euros in emergency aid to the German states affected by the floods. The federal government's emergency aid will be paid to the federal states. Administrative agreements that will govern the disbursement criteria are currently being prepared. The emergency aid to those affected will be disbursed via the federal states.

The German government will contribute 100 million euros in emergency aid to help deal with the damage caused by the floods. A prerequisite for payment of the emergency aid from the federal government is that the affected states must implement emergency aid programs.

Talks have already been held with the affected states with a view to swift implementation of the emergency aid measures by the federal government. The details will be agreed with the relevant ministries of the states. The relevant administrative agreements are currently being prepared. As soon as they have been signed, the federal government will contribute 50% of the costs of the emergency aid; the remaining 50% will be paid by the federal state concerned.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the emergency aid programs "Household/household goods" and "Oil damage to buildings" and for a "hardship fund" to be set up.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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