Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)

Service Description

Persons who already practice a craft subject to licensing and wish to expand their commercial activity to another craft subject to licensing or to essential activities of such a craft have the option of applying for a license to practice. In this respect, proof of the knowledge and skills required for this is required, whereby previous professional experience and activities are also taken into account. It is irrelevant on what basis the existing entry in the register of skilled crafts was made (e.g. master craftsman's certificate, old journeyman's regulation, exemption permit). The respective business owner is entitled to apply.

You can apply for an authorization to practice if you are

  • you are already registered in the register of skilled crafts with a trade requiring approval.
  • you wish to engage in a further craft subject to licensing.
  • you can provide evidence of your practical and theoretical knowledge and skills in the craft for which you have applied.

The master craftsman's examination is regarded as a reference for the specialist theoretical knowledge and skills to be proven.

If you do not have any proof or if it is not sufficient, you can also apply for an authorization to practice. In this case, you must then prove your knowledge by passing an expert examination.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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