Service Finder
Craft: Apply for authorization to practice another craft subject to licensing in accordance with § 7a HwO (German Trade Regulation Act)
Service Description
Persons who already practice a craft subject to licensing and wish to expand their commercial activity to another craft subject to licensing or to essential activities of such a craft have the option of applying for a license to practice. In this respect, proof of the knowledge and skills required for this is required, whereby previous professional experience and activities are also taken into account. It is irrelevant on what basis the existing entry in the register of skilled crafts was made (e.g. master craftsman's certificate, old journeyman's regulation, exemption permit). The respective business owner is entitled to apply.
You can apply for an authorization to practice if you are
- you are already registered in the register of skilled crafts with a trade requiring approval.
- you wish to engage in a further craft subject to licensing.
- you can provide evidence of your practical and theoretical knowledge and skills in the craft for which you have applied.
The master craftsman's examination is regarded as a reference for the specialist theoretical knowledge and skills to be proven.
If you do not have any proof or if it is not sufficient, you can also apply for an authorization to practice. In this case, you must then prove your knowledge by passing an expert examination.
Process flow
Online application:
- Go to the website of your local Chamber of Skilled Crafts or to the service portal of your federal state and select the right online service.
- The online service will guide you through the application step by step.
- You can submit the required documents digitally.
Written application:
- Go to the website of your local Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
- Download the application forms for granting a license to practice.
- Complete the forms in full and send them to your local Chamber of Skilled Crafts along with the required evidence of your skills.
- Your application and the evidence will be examined by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts. If the evidence is not sufficient, you may have to take an expert examination.
- After your documents have been checked, you will receive a license to practice and a notice of registration if the requirements are met.
Who should I contact?
The Chamber of Skilled Crafts in whose district the main place of business is located is responsible. If this place of business has not yet been determined, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in whose district the applicant's place of residence is located is responsible.
Please contact the Chamber of Crafts in whose district your commercial establishment is located.
Competent authority
Craftsmen's Register of your competent Chamber of Crafts:
The following requirements must be met:
- A craft subject to licensing is already being practiced on the basis of an existing entry in the register of crafts.
- Proof of the required knowledge and skills, taking into account previous professional experience and activities; possible means of proof are, for example, appraisals by experts, work certificates or further training.
- The standard for the proof of qualification is the masterly qualification for the craft subject to licensing for which the authorization to practice is being sought.
Which documents are required?
- Application for a license to practice (§ 7a HwO)
- Proof of identification
- Proof of practical and theoretical knowledge in the craft subject to licensing for which you wish to be entered in the register of craftsmen. This includes:
- Work certificates,
- certificates of further education,
- certificates of having passed parts of the master craftsman's examination
- Confirmation of regular participation in preparatory courses.
What are the fees?
The specific fee results from the fee schedule of the Chamber of Crafts, which is available on the Chamber's website.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You can only exercise the other craft requiring authorization once it has been entered in the register of crafts. An authorization to practice must therefore be applied for at an appropriately early stage.
Applications / forms
Legal action may be taken against a rejection of an application for entry in the register of skilled crafts. Depending on the federal state in which the application was submitted, a preliminary procedure must first be carried out. Information on the existing legal remedies can be found in the instructions on legal remedies in the notices.
- Application for the granting of a license to practice according to § 7a HandwO
- Leaflet § 7a HwO
- Leaflet professions Annex A / Annex B according to HwO
What else should I know?
Before submitting an application , seek advice from the staff of the register of skilled crafts in your responsible chamber of skilled crafts. It is advisable to make an appointment for the consultation in advance.
The Senator for Economics, Labor and Europe of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Chamber of Crafts Erfurt
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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