Travel with pets (pets)

Service Description

If you want to take your pet (officially: "pet") with you when traveling abroad, or if you want to bring a pet purchased abroad into Germany, you must observe various regulations.

Traveling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU and certain other countries (e.g. Norway, Switzerland)

The following is required (applies to up to five animals):

  • EU pet passport (also: "Pet Passport") issued by the pet's veterinarian with proof of the required rabies vaccination
  • Identification by an electronic transponder (microchip) or by a tattoo . The identification by microchip is obligatory from 03.07.2011, but it is valid only for animals not identified until then.

Deviating from this, in the EU states of Ireland, Malta, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom transitionally until 31.12.2011 stricter requirements apply, about which the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection informs.

Travel with parrots and parakeets within the EU

You need a certificate issued by the official veterinarian

  • "Health certificate parrots and parakeets".

Travel with other birds as well as with domestic rabbits

There are no special requirements to be met (applies to a maximum of three animals). (source § 38 Abs.1 point a and c BmTierSSchV)

Travel with animals other than those mentioned as well as travel to non-EU countries

Please inform yourself in time at your veterinarian or at the responsible embassy.

When traveling with pets to third countries with unfavorable or unknown rabies status, the effectiveness of the rabies vaccination must also be confirmed by a titer determination before the start of the trip.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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