License plates - Apply for seasonal license plates

Service Description

Seasonal license plates are intended for all vehicles that are not used all year round. Their owners or keepers can thus save themselves the frequent registration and deregistration. Insurance cover and the obligation to pay contributions are suspended during the period outside the operating period. The operating period is indicated on the right-hand side of the license plate (e.g. 05/11 = the vehicle may be used from May to November).

When registering the vehicle, you specify once the period (at least two to a maximum of eleven months per year) during which you wish to use the vehicle. The vehicle may only be used or parked on public roads during the operating period shown on the license plate and in the registration certificate Part I. Outside this operating period, the vehicle must be parked on private property (e.g. in a garage).

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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