Service Finder
Traffic offenses
Service Description
If it is suspected or established that you have committed a traffic offense, you may, at your discretion
- issue a warning without a fine (verbal warning),
- offered a warning with a fine
- proceedings for a fine may be initiated against you with the fining authority.
are initiated against you.
The type of punishment and the amount of the warning or fine depend on the severity of the traffic offense and are determined by the catalog of fines.
A warning fine is only possible if the traffic offense committed is punished with an amount of at least €5 but not more than €55 and you agree to this.
If the traffic offense committed is punished with an amount of at least € 60 or you do not agree with the warning with a warning fine, a fine procedure will be initiated against you.
If no formal hearing has taken place on the spot, you will first receive a form from the fining authority about the facts of the case you are accused of, the so-called hearing form. You are then the person affected by the fine proceedings. You can comment on the accusation against you, but you do not have to. However, you are always obliged to provide complete and correct information about yourself in writing and to return the hearing form to the fining authority. You will be given a deadline for returning the form.
The fining authority will then decide whether to discontinue the fine proceedings or issue a fine notice against you. If a fine notice is issued and you agree with it, there is a payment deadline of two weeks after the notice becomes legally binding. If you do not agree, you can lodge an objection to the fine notice with the fining authority that issued it within two weeks of notification. If you do not do this, the fine will become legally binding after the two weeks have expired. If no payment is made on time after the fine becomes legally binding, the fine notice is enforceable.
For certain traffic violations (e.g. exceeding the speed limit or violating the 0.5 per mille limit), the catalog of fines provides for the entry of one or more points in addition to the fine.
Driving ban
For certain traffic offenses, in addition to the fine and points, the catalog of fines also provides for a ban on driving motor vehicles of any kind (including mopeds). The driving ban can be imposed by the fining authority for a period of one, two or three months. If you still drive a motor vehicle, you are liable to prosecution for driving without a license (§ 21 StVG).
Who should I contact?
Contact the office from which you received the warning, the hearing form or the fine notice.
What are the fees?
There is no charge for a warning without a fine or a warning with a fine if you agree with the warning. If this is not the case, fine proceedings will be initiated. Fees and expenses are incurred for this.
The issuing of a fine is subject to a fee. The fee is 5% of the fine imposed, but at least 25.00 euros. In addition to the fees, expenses (e.g. for delivery or registered mail) must be paid.
What else should I know?
If there are indications that the offense is a criminal offense, the fining authority hands the case over to the public prosecutor's office.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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