Certificate of good conduct - extended

Service Description

The extended certificate of good conduct can be issued for persons who are or are to be active professionally, voluntarily or in any other way close to children or young people. It serves to protect children and young people. In the interest of effective protection of children and young people, convictions for sexual offenses are also included in the extended certificate of good conduct in the lower criminal range. It thus provides employers with far greater information about the extent to which job applicants have a criminal record for certain sexual offenses against children and adolescents or for the equally particularly relevant offenses of violation of the duty to care for or educate children and mistreatment of charges.

The extended certificate of good conduct also contains in particular:

  • First convictions of less than 90 daily fines,
  • first convictions of less than 3 months imprisonment.

An extended certificate of good conduct is to be issued on application if this is provided for in statutory provisions with reference to § 30a of the Federal Central Register Act (BZRG) or if the certificate of good conduct is

  • for the examination of personal suitability according to § 72a SGB VIII (child and youth welfare),
  • other professional or voluntary supervision, care, education or training of minors or
  • for an activity with comparable contact to minors

is required.

Examples: Teachers in private schools, lifeguards, school bus drivers, educators in kindergartens, children's or youth homes, caregivers for day care and full-time care, youth sports coaches, leaders of children's and youth recreation groups, etc.

Applicants can obtain the extended certificate of good conduct with the corresponding confirmation for themselves or apply for it to be submitted to an authority. In the latter case, it is usually sent directly to the requesting authority. The address of the authority and the file number are required for this.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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