Full-time care - upbringing in a foster family

Service Description

Foster carers take a foreign child, who for various reasons can no longer be brought up by his or her parents, into their family for a certain period or duration and look after and bring him or her up.

This usually takes place within the framework of help for upbringing (§ 27 Social Code VIII - SGB VIII) in full-time care (§ 33 SGB VIII) through placement by the youth welfare office.

Foster carers are carefully prepared for their task by the youth welfare office and checked for their suitability. According to § 37 SGB VIII, they have a legal right to advice from the responsible youth welfare office.

Through their commitment, foster carers make a valuable contribution to youth welfare by giving children a home, education and care. In this way, they also support their parents who are unable to care for their children for a period of time or permanently.

As a rule, custody remains with the parents and the foster carers are responsible for the so-called day-to-day care. Cooperation between the foster carer and the parents is usually essential.

During the course of the foster care relationship, the youth welfare office, the foster carer and the parents with custody rights repeatedly discuss together what is best for the child's development (help plan).

Interested parties become foster parent applicants:

For this reason, the employees of the Youth Welfare Office will hold discussions with the interested parties to determine whether a foster relationship is even a possibility for them and their family members, and which framework conditions should be met in order to be able to assume responsibility for a child who is not their own.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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