Service Finder
Private equity company - recognition
Service Description
The business purpose of an investment company is to provide capital to other companies by acquiring and holding equity interests. In this way, the equity capitalization of the economy is to be promoted. A private equity company requires recognition by the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
Contact the Thuringian Ministry of Finance as the supervisory authority for the state's business investment companies, PSF 900461, 99107 Erfurt.
Which documents are required?
A written application shall be accompanied by the following in original or publicly certified copies
- the articles of association or the partnership agreement in the latest version,
- the deeds of appointment of the management board, managing directors or general partners and the deeds of appointment of the supervisory board;
- in the case of a business investment company to be operated in the legal form of a limited partnership or partnership limited by shares, and where a general partner is a legal entity, additionally a deed appointing the managing bodies of the legal entity;
- an excerpt from the Commercial Register in the most recent version or a confirmation by the court of registration that the registration of the company in the Commercial Register depends only on its recognition as a business investment company; and
- if the management company managing the private equity company is subject to licensing or registration under the German Investment Code, proof that it has been granted a license under Section 20 (1) in conjunction with Section 22 of the German Investment Code or has been registered under Section 44 (1) of the German Investment Code.
What are the fees?
In accordance with the State Administrative Costs Act, a fee is charged for recognition. The fee is calculated depending on the scope of the examination.
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Technically approved by
Thuringia Ministry of Finance
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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