Service Finder
Driving instructor training centers - Apply for recognition
Service Description
If you want to train people who want to become driving instructors (driving instructor candidates) or have them trained, you need official recognition of your company as a driving instructor training center.
Process flow
- Application with submission of the required documents
- Application review and processing by the competent authority
- Granting or refusal of official recognition as a driving instructor training center
Who should I contact?
Please contact the Thuringian State Administration Office.
The requirements for official recognition are regulated in § 37 FahrlG:
Official recognition is granted if
1. there are no facts that make the owner or the person appointed to be responsible for the management of the driving instructor training center appear unreliable for the management of a driving instructor training center,
2. the driving instructor training center has a responsible manager who is able to competently supervise the instruction and guarantees that the obligations of § 40 FahrlG are fulfilled,
3. the driving instructor training center has a sufficient number of instructors available who are capable of teaching the driving instructor candidates the skills required under Section 7 FahrlG within their area of responsibility,
4. the driving instructor training center has the necessary classroom space and the necessary teaching materials and vehicles at its disposal,
5. an appropriate training plan is submitted.
If the owner is a legal entity or partnership, official recognition shall be granted if the above-mentioned requirements under number 4 are met and there are no facts that make the persons authorized by law, articles of association or individual power of attorney appear unreliable and one of them, who meets the requirements of number 1 above, is appointed as the responsible manager of the driving instructor training center.
Which documents are required?
1. application with name and address of the driving instructor training center,
2. documents proving the suitability of the person appointed as the responsible manager of the driving instructor training center as well as a declaration of the other professional obligations to be fulfilled by the proposed responsible manager,
3. a list of instructors and documents proving the suitability of the instructors,
4. a true-to-scale plan of the classrooms with details of their equipment,
5. a declaration that the prescribed teaching materials are available,
6. a list of the number and type of teaching vehicles,
7. the training plan,
8. a confirmation from the competent tax authority that the tax obligations have been fulfilled,
9. a certificate of good conduct for submission to the licensing authority (document type 0) and information from the central trade register for the applicant and the intended responsible manager (proof: payment receipt); both not older than three months.
The application of a legal entity must also be accompanied by a certified extract from the commercial register or register of associations or the application of an association without legal capacity by documents on the power of representation of the persons acting on its behalf.
What are the fees?
In accordance with No. 302.5 of the German Road Traffic Fee Regulations (GebOSt), fees of EUR 102.00 to EUR 358.00 are charged, plus EUR 30.70 to EUR 511.00 for the on-site inspection (No. 308.2 GebOSt).
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The processing time is approx. 3 - 5 weeks.
Processing duration
3 - 5 weeks
Legal basis
Applications / forms
An application for recognition of a driving instructor training center must be made in writing, but can be submitted informally.
What else should I know?
The owner of the officially recognized driving instructor training facility must immediately notify the licensing authority of
- the relocation, closure and
- the closure of the driving instructor training center,
- the appointment and dismissal of a responsible manager of the driving instructor training center,
- changes in teaching staff; the notification of the appointment of an instructor must be accompanied by documents proving suitability,
- relocation of the classrooms,
in the case of legal entities, unincorporated associations or partnerships as owners of the officially recognized driving instructor training centre:
- the appointment or resignation of persons appointed by law or the articles of association to represent them.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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