Service Finder
Driving fitness assessment center - Apply for recognition
Service Description
If you want to operate an assessment center for driving fitness, you need to be approved by the Thuringian State Administration Office.
The Recognition is granted upon written application by the provider for the provider and its assessment centers if the requirements of Annex 14 to the Driving License Ordinance and the Directive on the requirements for providers of assessment centers for driving fitness (§ 66 FeV) and their assessment by the Federal Highway Research Institute, as amended, are met.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the Thuringian State Administration Office if you have any questions regarding the application process.
Competent authority
Thuringian State Administration Office.
Recognition is granted or extended if
1. the provider's financial and organizational capacity is guaranteed
2. staffing with a sufficient number of medical and psychological experts is ensured,
a) Requirements for the medical assessor:
aa) Physician with at least two years of clinical practice or specialist (in particular internal medicine, psychiatry, neurology),
bb) at least one year's additional experience in assessing the suitability of drivers in an assessment center for fitness to drive,
b) Requirements for the psychological assessor:
(aa) Diploma or equivalent Master's degree in psychology and at least two years of practical professional experience (usually in clinical psychology, occupational psychology),
bb) at least one year's additional practical experience in assessing the suitability of drivers in an assessment center for driving suitability,
cc) observation of a complete course on the restoration of fitness to drive (Section 70) in the absence of knowledge and experience in conducting these courses,
3. the institution proves that all experts meet the requirements for annual further training in accordance with the directive pursuant to Section 72 (2) No. 1,
4. an officially recognized expert or examiner for motor vehicle traffic is available,
5. the necessary premises and equipment are available,
6. the provider of assessment centers for driving fitness is not at the same time a provider of driver training measures or courses to restore fitness to drive, and does not carry out measures to change behavior and attitudes in preparation for an assessment of fitness to drive,
7. the suitability of the psychological test procedures and devices used has been confirmed by a suitable independent body,
8. the provider of assessment centres for driving fitness demonstrates compliance with the requirements of the Directive pursuant to Section 72(2)(1) by means of an expert opinion from the Federal Institute (in the context of the initial assessment, this evidence is limited to compliance with the requirements relating to the documentation of quality management and the spatial, material and personnel resources); if the provider is already fully recognized, a new expert opinion does not generally have to be submitted; the last available expert opinion from the Federal Institute is sufficient,
9. the participation of the agency in a regular and nationwide exchange of experience under the direction of the Federal Agency is ensured,
10. the economic independence of the experts from the results of the assessments is guaranteed and
11. the applicant, or in the case of legal entities, the persons appointed to represent them by law or the articles of association, demonstrate the reliability required for the activity.
Which documents are required?
The following documents must be enclosed with the application, which must be signed by a person authorized to represent the institution:
1. evidence of the legal form of the sponsoring organization, name of the legal entity,
2. information on the organization and management of the institution (organization chart and details of the key positions in the management of the institution, powers and responsibilities), its activities and its relationships with a higher-level organization,
3. addresses of all assessment bodies in the area of responsibility of the respective recognition authority,
4. if another recognition has already been granted, a list of existing recognition notices stating the recognition authority, file number and date of recognition; copies of the notices must be submitted on request.
What are the fees?
According to No. 214.1 Fee schedule for road traffic measures (GebOSt): 128.00 Euro to 2 556.00 Euro
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Recognition shall be limited to a maximum of ten years. It can be extended upon application for a maximum of ten years at a time.
Applications / forms
Objection, complaint
An informal application must be submitted. In Thuringia, this is done in the electronic application system ThAVEL.
Supporting institutions
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture.
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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