Service Finder
Chamber of Engineers - Registration Voluntary membership
Service Description
As a public corporation, the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers has the central task of safeguarding the professional interests of engineers and the reputation of the profession, as well as monitoring the fulfillment of professional obligations.
The structure of chamber membership at the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers includes compulsory members and voluntary members. The Chamber of Engineers keeps a list of chamber members, which also includes the list of voluntary members.
In contrast to the mandatory professional practice or professional experience required for compulsory members, this is not a requirement for voluntary membership of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers.
The aim of this is to give newcomers to the profession who are entitled to use the protected professional title of "engineer" on the basis of completed professional qualifications and who do not yet have sufficient professional experience the opportunity to join the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers as a voluntary member. As a voluntary member, you have access to in-service training opportunities and synergies arising from the community of chamber members.
Registration as a voluntary member of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers also documents that the applicant has the professional qualifications required by law and the associated authorization to use the protected professional title of "engineer".
Process flow
Once the application has been submitted, the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers will confirm receipt of the application, including the evidence submitted, to the applicant within one month and, if applicable, inform the applicant which evidence is still missing.
A decision on the application will be made within three months of receipt of the complete supporting documents at the latest, although this period may be extended by a further month.
The registration committee of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers will issue a decision after examining whether the legal requirements have been met. This constitutes an administrative act.
The documents submitted with the application remain with the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers and are archived there.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers.
Competent authority
Thuringia Chamber of Engineers
In order to be entered as a voluntary member in the list of members of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers, the following requirements must be met in addition to a written application (Section 21 (6) ThürAIKG).
- The applicant must have their main residence, a professional establishment or the place of their predominant professional activity in Thuringia.
- The applicant must be entitled to use the professional title "engineer" in accordance with Section 4 (1).
- The applicant must not have any grounds for refusal of registration within the meaning of Section 12
para. 1, 2 ThürAIKG. Such grounds for refusal may be considered if
relevant final criminal convictions, lack of legal capacity or financially disordered circumstances.
The registration committee of the Thuringian Chamber of Engineers is responsible for deciding on the application for registration as a voluntary member (Section 26 (2) ThürAIKG).
Simultaneous membership of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers and other chambers in other states is permitted (Section 21 (10) ThürAIKG).
Which documents are required?
As a rule, the following documents are required:
- Fully completed application documents, including Annex 3 (technical sheet for the application for entry in the list of voluntary members)
- Copy of identity card/passport
- Proof of training including a copy of the training certificate (Diploma,
- Bachelor's/Master's degree certificate etc.)
- Registration certificate regarding main residence or proof of a professional establishment or the exercise of the predominant professional activity in Thuringia
- Official certificate of good conduct
- Proof of professional liability insurance
What are the fees?
The application fee for processing the application for membership and registration as a voluntary member is € 50.00.
The legal basis for charging fees is the cost regulations of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers dated 26.10.2017.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed. Rather, the applicant's own interest is decisive for submitting an application.
Legal basis
Thuringian Act on the Chamber of Architects, the Chamber of Engineers and the Protection of Professional Titles of 14.12.2016 (Thuringian Chamber of Architects and Engineers Act - ThürAIKG).
Applications / forms
An appeal against a decision of the Thuringia Chamber of Engineers may be lodged with the administrative court responsible for the applicant's place of residence within one month of receipt of the decision, in writing or for the record of the clerk of the administrative court.
There are no preliminary proceedings or appeal proceedings.
The documents can be filled out barrier-free.
The Thuringian application system for administrative services (ThAVEL) provides you with the necessary application document on a virtual desk.
What else should I know?
Membership of the pension fund is established upon entry in the corresponding list.
Membership entitles the holder to participate in awards, events and further training measures.
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Technically approved by
Thuringia Chamber of Engineers
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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